This component provides an easy way to add and visually style any fluent form directly inside Zion Builder. The WP Fluent Forms plugin must be active for this element.
Want to try yourself? Spin up a demo site and try editing the form.
To help provide the fastest workflow (and prevent you always having to dig through 100s of options), we’ve added all the most common style settings for the form layout, the inputs, labels and submit styles can all be found inside the top tab named ‘Simple Form Styles’.
For simple contact forms, subscribe forms and call to actions that are most common, this means all the settings are found in one place.
Underneath the simple form styles you can find the individual style options for the different types of fields available in Fluent Forms or Fluent Forms Pro. It’s all pretty self-explanatory as the style options are named after the field names, so it should be familiar to find what you need.
As with other elements, you also have access to many more individual CSS properties that you may need if you don’t find them in the general tab. Typically the need for digging into more options will only be necessary if you’re wishing to use less commonly used properties such as gradients or transforms inside your form.
You also have the option to add your own child selectors to the form wrapper, in case your adding custom HTML to the form that needs to be styled.