Lifetime Access

One-time payment for unlimited access & access to all future features.
Unlimited sitesLifetime Access
Support & UpdatesTutorials & Docs
+ All future elements


(USD exclusive of any VAT/GST)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ZionExtras?

ZionExtras is a plugin that adds new components to Zion Builder, allowing you to build websites more visually and less reliant on using non-Zion plugins that require adding shortcodes or adding custom code.

How long will this price be for?

As more components and more functionality is added the price may increase (or the lifetime option removed altogether). Existing customers will receive all future updates at no extra cost.

Will feature X be added?

Users with ideas for new components or new features added to existing components can send over feature requests.

What is your refund policy?

We provide a refund within the first 15 days of purchase if you find that ZionExtras is not working as it is supposed to AND if you have contacted our support and we are unable to fix the issue to your satisfaction.

Can I use on client sites?

Yes. Your license is valid for unlimited sites that you design, whether they’re for you or someone else. Note that the support is for you though as the customer, not your clients.

Do you support white labeling?

Yes, if using Zion Builder Pro and using the white label feature. ZionExtras will become ‘Custom Name Extras’ to match your brand.

Have another question? Get in touch!